
To enable the smooth integration of PIM into university processes, PIM has created interfaces to various student information systems. Using these interfaces, it is possible to process applications for recognition in fully digital manner.

The recognition database serves as a source of information for students, faculties/departments and administration alike. A large part of the database will be publicly accessible without login. All entries in the database are free of personal data.

Types of recognition

  • Before mobility


    Can be used as pre-recognition or learning agreement

  • After mobility

    Subsequent recognition

    After completion of Erasmus and other mobilities

  • After change

    Change of university and degree programme

    Transfer to another university or within your own university

  • After Change

    Recognition of prior learning

    Crediting of vocational training, further training, certificates, etc.

    Individual functions

    Database for reference cases

    The recognition database is divided into reference cases and decisions. Reference cases can be taken from existing cases or generated while processing applications. During the processing of similar applications, PIM displays existing reference cases so that a comparison is possible and duplicates can be avoided.
    The universities themselves decide which reference cases are transferred to the database, set the expiry date and can set cases to inactive, which means they are no longer publicly visible.

    Decision database

    In the decisions section of the recognition database, all cases are collected in an ongoing matter and made available for statistical analysis. The decisions in the database are of course free of personal data.

    Processing workflow

    An incoming application is forwarded to the individually configurable processing workflow. The persons or groups of persons responsible for processing this application are stored in this workflow. Configuration is possible at the level of organisational units as well as degree programmes and application types. The number of steps in the workflow can be freely selected and adjusted at any time. This allows you to react flexibly to changes and add or remove people or steps in the workflow. All activities are documented and can also be retraced later if necessary.

    Import of study programme data

    A prerequisite for the use of PIM is the import of the university's own study programme data. Interfaces to HISinOne, Datenlotsen CampusNet, FlexNow and CampusOnline have been created for this purpose. The development of interfaces to other campus management systems is possible. Please contact us for this.

    Export of the decision to the SIS

    Once the application has been processed, the result of the decision will be exported to the campus management system in future. These interfaces are being developed for HISinOne, CampusNet, FlexNow and CampusOnline and will be available live by the end of 2024, depending on the release cycles of the manufacturers. The development of further interfaces is also possible. Please contact us for this.

    Ich finde die Idee, eine solche Plattform einzurichten, sehr gut, da sie mit der Zeit geht und für Studierende leichter zugänglich ist. Grundsätzlich überzeugt mich das Layout und die einzelnen Schritte sind für mich auch logisch und nachvollziehbar.
    Studentin der Hochschule Osnabrück